About Us
CP hai….toh sambhaw hai!!
A leading firm involved in background verifications, investigations, operational services, compliance control, training/ counselling, mentorship and Entrepreneurship development.
The letter C P stands for “Check & Prevent” and is abbreviated to match the group flagship renowned training institute Career Planner (CP).
We are MSME registered and GST, ISO/IEC 27001:2022; ISO 9001:2015 registered and compliant.
Guiding principles

We are committed to expand, work on automation and provide our expertise across India for the best interest of our clients and to make ourselves as one of the most admired service provider.

Vision and core values
The vision is to make inroads into tough terrains and provide comfort to the companies in the road less trodden keeping in mind the industry best practices.
Core values that drive all our endeavors are:
Passion for surpassing goal
Goals are not our destination. We aim to raise our standards and surpass them.
Problem solving for Continual Improvement
Problems cannot be avoided, they are opportunities to push for brainstorming/innovation to bring solutions which would help improve ourselves.
Customer delight
To provide good service experience to our customers.
Integrity and trust
One of the most important value which we would abide in true spirit as the meaning of the words.
What we do
Not as a Vendor but your strategic partner
RCU/ Risk/ Fraud prevention related
- Address verification/ Skip tracing
- Background verification/ Profile check
- Document / KYC verification, Online & Offline
- Sec 45 review Pre claims verification
- Mystery shopping/ seeding at Diagnostic center
- Discreet checks/ Pre sanction survey
- Claims investigation (Life/ Motor/ Medical/ PA)
- MACT/ OD/ TT cases
- Signature verification
- Risk mitigation trigger analytics
- Risk report compilation and raising further actionable
- Unclaimed payouts/ return payouts scope
- Forensics
- Assets tracing (theft cases)
- Personal Investigation/ verification
- Reputational risk
Legal related
Assistance to clients through team of experienced legal on matters pertaining to consumer courts, employee related matters, POSH matters, tribunal cases, fraud/ risk cases, recovery matters through a professional approach.
Operations related
- Persistency control
- Renewal premium reminder and collections
- Customer contactability
- Out bound calling
- Collections/ Recovery
- MIS and record keeping , Audit and reconciliations
- Claims QC
- POSH compliance
- Government statutory compliances
- MSME/ Startup compliances
Mentorship & Entrepreneurship development
- Identifying, raising & mentoring leader's
- New business ideas
- Vocal for Local
- Risk mitigation & fraud management sessions
- Cyber fraud awareness
- POSH training
- Forensics course
- Skill based training
- Career and manpower placement
- Matrimonial checks
- Astrological checks
- Overseas real estate
- Hearing is strength
- Image makeover
List of online checks

Employment Verification

Education Verification

Address Verification

Aadhaar Card Verification

Pan Card Verification

Udyog Aadhaar Verification

GST Verification

Electricity Bill Verification
Contact Us
Regd. Office:C P Solutions, CP House, Shivpuri, Off Boring Road, Patna – 800023, Landmark – Career Planner Coaching Building.
Office:Shivpuri, Lane 1C, Off Boring road, Atal Path Service Lane, Patna 23